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The Pop Nods provide a potentially delightful, instrument-free, harmony-enriched listening experience.

Most Pop Nods songs are very short – perfect for times when there isn’t enough time for something longer.

Pop Nods recordings are  best listened to with headphones. Head to head (so to speak).

The “Pop Nods Challenge”…coming soon.


Most (but not all) Pop Nods songs are built upon Goodness Knows Best improvised vocal and foot-on-the-floor lap drum recordings. Most (but not all) of the lead vocals on Pop Nods recordings were only recorded once – as they were being written.

There are 57 Goodness Knows Best Raw Now Volumes featuring over 4,000 “Melodic Brain Toots”.


Tell me more…

There are currently 22 Pop Nods albums available on bandcamp.

There are currently 331 Pop Nods recordings available on bandcamp.

Here I am (Here in My Head) – video.

Getting Close at Last – (bearded) video.

Soundcloud (currently very out of date).

The Pop Nods = John Ross – vocals and percussion


History of the Pop Nods (featuring possible explanations)…coming soon.

Comments on fear and forgetting (and more)…coming soon.


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